5 1/4X8 1/4"
Pen and ink
I haven't posted for a long time, because I had a very tragic event happen. My husband died. In fact, he died very suddenly and unexpectedly the day after I drew this picture. I had no idea of what was coming at the moment I was drawing. I was simply messing around with an earlier idea I had for a painting.
Now this picture has come to symbolize how I'm feeling. I am trying to hold myself together, but I am in pieces. Nothing feels right. I could fall apart at any moment...and I frequently do. The nights are the hardest. We were married for three years and ten months, but in that whole time, we were never apart except for work and times when he went to run errands by himself. There is a part of me missing that I cannot retrieve. I am in pain, but there is no medication to ease it or make it go away. The world goes on as if nothing has happened, and I am shattered.