The first time I heard Matt Maher's song "Lord, I Need You" I was blessed. It really spoke to the place I was in. Today as I sat in the car and listened to it playing on the radio, the one phrase got me thinking: "My one defense, my righteousness/Oh God, how I need You."
My one defense...I have been a big fan of defending myself. Hang around me for any length of time, and I will be sure to launch into an explanation of why I am doing what I am doing. Anything that sounds like correction or instruction will also bring a flood of defensive excuses to the surface. I feel an almost constant need to argue my case with anyone and everyone who steps in my air space.
But there really is only one argument that is absolutely essential, one case that must be won. There is one Judge, who watches over every part of my life and to whom I will have to give an answer for what I have done with that life. I have absolutely no argument or excuse that stands before Him. Any good that I have done is not good enough to satisfy His holy requirements, and all the evil I've done...well, it's evil.
So I'm in quite a pickle.
HOWEVER, this same Judge has graciously provided for my case. He has sent His Son to pay the penalty on my behalf and satisfy all the requirements that I am unable to. If I believe on Him and trust completely in Him, I have a defense--my one and only defense. When I turn from my own ways and my own arguments and submit myself to His ways, every righteous thing He has done is credited to me. My one defense, my righteousness--what an exchange! Every other argument and attempt to defend myself pales in comparison to this.
Oh God, how I need You...